- class ConvexTerm(operand, deg_quad, quadrature_scheme='default', parameters=None)[source]#
- add_conic_constraint(expr, cone: Cone, name='')[source]#
Add a conic constraint \(expr \in \mathcal{K}\).
- Parameters:
expr (UFL expression) – a UFL affine combination of variables
cone (dolfinx_optim.cones.Cone) – The cone \(\mathcal{K}\) in which to constrain the expression
name (str, optional) – Name of the constraint
- add_eq_constraint(expr, b=0.0, name=None)[source]#
Add an equality constraint \(expr=b\).
expr can contain an affine combination of optimization variables.
- Parameters:
expr (UFL expression) – a UFL affine combination of variables
b (float, expression) – corresponding right-hand side
name (str, optional) – Lagrange-multiplier name for later retrieval.
- add_ineq_constraint(expr, bu=None, bl=None, name=None)[source]#
Add an inequality constraint \(b_l \leq expr \leq b_u\).
- Parameters:
expr (UFL expression) – a UFL affine combination of variables
b_l (float, expression) – corresponding lower bound. Ignored if None.
b_u (float, expression) – corresponding upper bound. Ignored if None
name (str, optional) – Lagrange-multiplier name for later retrieval.
- add_linear_term(expr)[source]#
Add a linear expression of variables.
- Parameters:
expr (UFL expression) – a UFL linear combination of variables defining the linear objective.
- add_var(dim=0, cone=None, ux=None, lx=None, name=None)[source]#
Add a (list of) auxiliary optimization variable.
These variables are local and their interpolation is defined through the chosen quadrature scheme.
- Parameters:
dim (int, list of int) – dimension of each variable (0 for a scalar)
cone (Cone, list of Cone) – cone in which each variable belongs (None if no constraint)
ux (float, Function) – upper bound on variable \(x\leq u_x\)
lx (float, Function) – lower bound on variable \(l_x\leq x\)
name (str) – variable name