Three-dimensional limit analysis problem using Semi-Definite Programming#
In this demo, we consider a classical limit analysis problem, namely a slope stability problem for a cohesive-frictional material described by a Mohr-Coulomb criterion. The geometry being three-dimensional in this example, the corresponding problem will be a Semi-Definite Programming (SDP) problem. We show how to formulate such constraints using the dolfinx_optim
In the following, we will denote by \(\mathbb{S}_n\) the set of symmetric \(n\times n\) matrices.
Problem formulation#
We consider a soil domain \(\Omega = [0;L]\times [0;W] \times [0;H]\) with homogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions \(\boldsymbol{u}=0\) on the right \(x=L\) and bottom \(z=0\). The remaining boundaries have homogeneous Neumann boundary conditions. The loading consists of a gravitational body force \(\boldsymbol{f}=(0,0,-\gamma)\) with \(\gamma\) being the soil self-weight. The soil obeys a Mohr-Coulomb criterion of cohesion \(c\) and internal friction angle \(\phi\), i.e. the stress state \(\boldsymbol{\sigma}\in \mathbb{S}_3\) must satisfy \(\boldsymbol{\sigma}\in G\) where:
where \(a=\dfrac{1-\sin\phi}{1+\sin\phi}\), \(\sigma_M = \max_{I} \{\sigma_I\}\) and \(\sigma_m = \min_I \{\sigma_I\}\) with \(\sigma_I\) being the eigenvalues of \(\boldsymbol{\sigma}\).
The limit analysis problem amounts to finding the slope stability factor given by \(SF=\lambda^+\dfrac{\gamma H}{c}\) where \(\lambda^+\) is obtained from solving:
in which \(\nabla^s \boldsymbol{u} = \frac{1}{2}(\nabla \boldsymbol{u} + \nabla \boldsymbol{u}^T)\) is the symmetric gradient and \(\pi\) is the support function of the convex set \(G\):
Conic reformulation#
Following [Martin and Makrodimopoulos, 2008], the above support function can be expressed equivalently in a conic-representable fashion using two auxiliary SDP variables \(\boldsymbol{Y}_1,\boldsymbol{Y}_2\) as follows:
We first important relevant packages and define the box mesh.
from mpi4py import MPI
import numpy as np
import ufl
from dolfinx import mesh, fem, io
from dolfinx_optim.mosek_io import MosekProblem
from dolfinx_optim.convex_function import ConvexTerm
from dolfinx_optim.cones import SDP
from dolfinx_optim.utils import to_vect
L, W, H = (1.2, 2.0, 1.0)
Nx, Ny, Nz = (20, 1, 20)
domain = mesh.create_box(MPI.COMM_WORLD, [(0, 0, 0), (L, W, H)], [Nx, Ny, Nz])
Note that we used on purpose only 1 element in the \(y\)-direction with quite a large width in order to reproduce a 2D plane-strain situation for which we have a good approximation of the exact solution and limit the computation time of this demo.
We then define the conic representation of the Mohr-Coulomb support function:
c = fem.Constant(domain, 1.0)
phi = fem.Constant(domain, np.pi / 6.0)
class MohrCoulomb(ConvexTerm):
"""SDP implementation of Mohr-Coulomb criterion."""
def conic_repr(self, X):
Y1 = self.add_var((3,3), cone=SDP(3))
Y2 = self.add_var((3,3), cone=SDP(3))
a = (1 - ufl.sin(phi)) / (1 + ufl.sin(phi))
self.add_eq_constraint(X - to_vect(Y1) + to_vect(Y2))
self.add_eq_constraint( - a *
self.add_linear_term(2 * c * ufl.cos(phi) / (1 + ufl.sin(phi)) *
In the above, symmetric \(n\times n\) matrix variables are created. The SDP constraint is enforced through the cone SDP(3)
. Note that equality constraints expect scalar or vectors so that we use the to_vect
utility function to reshape the matrix variables to a vector form.
We can now set up the loading, function spaces and boundary conditions:
gamma = 10.0
f = fem.Constant(domain,(0, 0, -gamma))
def border(x):
return np.isclose(x[0], L) | np.isclose(x[2], 0)
gdim = 3
V = fem.functionspace(domain, ("CG", 2, (gdim,)))
bc_dofs = fem.locate_dofs_geometrical(V, border)
bcs = [fem.dirichletbc(np.zeros((gdim,)), bc_dofs, V)]
We now initiate the MosekProblem
object and first add the linear equality constraint:
prob = MosekProblem(domain, "3D limit analysis")
u = prob.add_var(V, bc=bcs, name="Collapse mechanism")
prob.add_eq_constraint(,u)*ufl.dx, b=1.0)
We now add the convex term corresponding to the support function.
crit = MohrCoulomb(ufl.sym(ufl.grad(u)), 2)
The problem can then be solved and results are exported to Paraview.
pobj, dobj = prob.optimize()
with io.VTKFile(MPI.COMM_WORLD, "results.pvd", "w") as vtk:
Show code cell output
Name : 3D limit analysis
Objective sense : minimize
Type : CONIC (conic optimization problem)
Constraints : 96730
Affine conic cons. : 0
Disjunctive cons. : 0
Cones : 0
Scalar variables : 15130
Matrix variables : 19200 (scalarized: 115200)
Integer variables : 0
Optimizer started.
GP based matrix reordering started.
GP based matrix reordering terminated.
Optimizer - threads : 14
Optimizer - solved problem : the primal
Optimizer - Constraints : 96730
Optimizer - Cones : 1
Optimizer - Scalar variables : 15130 conic : 15130
Optimizer - Semi-definite variables: 19200 scalarized : 115200
Factor - setup time : 2.80
Factor - dense det. time : 1.15 GP order time : 0.21
Factor - nonzeros before factor : 3.89e+06 after factor : 6.91e+06
Factor - dense dim. : 11786 flops : 5.47e+11
Factor - GP saved nzs : 5.44e+05 GP saved flops : 2.37e+09
0 6.4e+01 1.0e+00 9.3e+00 0.00e+00 8.313843876e+00 0.000000000e+00 1.0e+00 2.91
1 6.0e+01 9.4e-01 4.2e+01 -1.96e+01 2.057973683e+01 2.220911241e+01 9.4e-01 5.91
2 5.4e+01 8.5e-01 6.3e+01 -3.74e+01 1.541073344e+00 6.470667017e+01 8.5e-01 8.67
3 4.3e+01 6.8e-01 6.1e+01 -1.94e+00 1.953587175e+00 9.416024834e+01 6.8e-01 11.41
4 3.0e+01 4.7e-01 5.3e+01 -1.69e+00 2.877919262e+00 1.476198772e+02 4.7e-01 14.15
5 1.0e+01 1.6e-01 2.4e+01 -1.15e+00 9.257383903e+00 2.735340275e+02 1.6e-01 17.16
6 2.3e+00 3.6e-02 2.7e+00 2.91e-01 1.778475369e+01 7.996443998e+01 3.6e-02 20.47
7 4.0e-01 6.2e-03 4.7e-02 1.26e+00 3.875455863e+00 4.510374853e+00 6.2e-03 23.84
8 1.9e-01 3.0e-03 1.3e-02 4.28e+00 1.289498450e+00 1.509526752e+00 3.0e-03 26.75
9 9.9e-02 1.5e-03 4.1e-03 2.09e+00 9.199815082e-01 9.991602610e-01 1.5e-03 29.66
10 5.6e-02 8.7e-04 1.5e-03 1.53e+00 8.107590068e-01 8.460483001e-01 8.7e-04 32.56
11 1.0e-02 1.6e-04 7.5e-05 1.31e+00 7.169651108e-01 7.194055361e-01 1.6e-04 35.80
12 1.9e-03 3.0e-05 2.7e-06 1.06e+00 6.994801453e-01 6.995547014e-01 3.0e-05 39.31
13 4.0e-04 6.3e-06 1.3e-07 1.01e+00 6.958774407e-01 6.958786193e-01 6.3e-06 42.89
14 1.7e-04 2.7e-06 3.0e-08 1.00e+00 6.953302559e-01 6.953302373e-01 2.7e-06 45.92
15 2.9e-05 4.5e-07 6.2e-10 1.00e+00 6.949877854e-01 6.949875713e-01 4.5e-07 49.40
16 1.6e-05 2.5e-07 2.4e-10 9.97e-01 6.949594176e-01 6.949592945e-01 2.5e-07 52.65
17 8.4e-07 3.7e-08 4.3e-12 9.96e-01 6.949278248e-01 6.949278054e-01 3.7e-08 56.20
Optimizer terminated. Time: 56.29
Interior-point solution summary
Solution status : OPTIMAL
Primal. obj: 6.9492782476e-01 nrm: 1e+01 Viol. con: 3e-06 var: 0e+00 barvar: 0e+00
Dual. obj: 6.9492780542e-01 nrm: 8e-01 Viol. con: 0e+00 var: 8e-11 barvar: 2e-09
We can then check the solution compared with the exact solution provided by [Chen, 2013].
print("2D factor [Chen] (for phi=30°):", 6.69)
print("Computed factor:", pobj*float(gamma*H/c))
2D factor [Chen] (for phi=30°): 6.69
Computed factor: 6.949278247567571