Finite-strain elastoplasticity within the logarithmic strain framework

Finite-strain elastoplasticity within the logarithmic strain framework#

This demo is dedicated to the resolution of a finite-strain elastoplastic problem using the logarithmic strain framework proposed in [Miehe et al., 2002].


This simulation is a bit heavy to run so we suggest running it in parallel.

Logarithmic strains#

This framework expresses constitutive relations between the Hencky strain measure \(\boldsymbol{H} = \dfrac{1}{2}\log (\boldsymbol{F}^\text{T}\cdot\boldsymbol{F})\) and its dual stress measure \(\boldsymbol{T}\). This approach makes it possible to extend classical small strain constitutive relations to a finite-strain setting. In particular, the total (Hencky) strain can be split additively into many contributions (elastic, plastic, thermal, swelling, etc.) e.g. \(\boldsymbol{H}=\boldsymbol{H}^e+\boldsymbol{H}^p\). Its trace is also linked with the volume change \(J=\exp(\operatorname{tr}(\boldsymbol{H}))\). As a result, the deformation gradient \(\boldsymbol{F}\) is used for expressing the Hencky strain \(\boldsymbol{H}\), a small-strain constitutive law is then written for the \((\boldsymbol{H},\boldsymbol{T})\)-pair and the dual stress \(\boldsymbol{T}\) is then post-processed to an appropriate stress measure such as the Cauchy stress \(\boldsymbol{\sigma}\) or Piola-Kirchhoff stresses.

MFront implementation#

The logarithmic strain framework discussed in the previous paragraph consists merely as a pre-processing and a post-processing stages of the behavior integration. The pre-processing stage compute the logarithmic strain and its increment and the post-processing stage inteprets the stress resulting from the behavior integration as the dual stress \(\boldsymbol{T}\) and convert it to the Cauchy stress.

MFront provides the @StrainMeasure keyword that allows to specify which strain measure is used by the behavior. When choosing the Hencky strain measure, MFront automatically generates those pre- and post-processing stages, allowing the user to focus on the behavior integration.

This leads to the following implementation (see the small-strain elastoplasticity example for details about the various implementations available):

@DSL Implicit;

@Behaviour LogarithmicStrainPlasticity;
@Author Thomas Helfer/Jérémy Bleyer;
@Date 07 / 04 / 2020;

@StrainMeasure Hencky;

@Algorithm NewtonRaphson;
@Epsilon 1.e-14;
@Theta 1;

@MaterialProperty stress s0;
@MaterialProperty stress H0;

@Brick StandardElastoViscoPlasticity{
  stress_potential : "Hooke" {
	    young_modulus : 210e9,
        poisson_ratio : 0.3
  inelastic_flow : "Plastic" {
    criterion : "Mises",
    isotropic_hardening : "Linear" {H : "H0", R0 : "s0"}

FEniCSx implementation#

We define a box mesh representing half of a beam oriented along the \(x\)-direction. The beam will be fully clamped on its left side and symmetry conditions will be imposed on its right extremity. The loading consists of a uniform self-weight.

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import os
import ufl
from petsc4py import PETSc
from mpi4py import MPI
from dolfinx import fem, mesh, io
from dolfinx.cpp.nls.petsc import NewtonSolver
from dolfinx_materials.quadrature_map import QuadratureMap
from dolfinx_materials.material.mfront import MFrontMaterial
from dolfinx_materials.solvers import NonlinearMaterialProblem
from dolfinx_materials.utils import (

rank = comm.rank

current_path = os.getcwd()

length, width, height = 1.0, 0.04, 0.1
nx, ny, nz = 20, 4, 6
domain = mesh.create_box(
    [(0, -width / 2, -height / 2.0), (length, width / 2, height / 2.0)],
    [nx, ny, nz],
gdim = domain.topology.dim

V = fem.functionspace(domain, ("P", 2, (gdim,)))

def left(x):
    return np.isclose(x[0], 0)

def right(x):
    return np.isclose(x[0], length)

left_dofs = fem.locate_dofs_geometrical(V, left)
V_x, _ = V.sub(0).collapse()
right_dofs = fem.locate_dofs_geometrical((V.sub(0), V_x), right)

uD = fem.Function(V_x)
bcs = [
    fem.dirichletbc(np.zeros((gdim,)), left_dofs, V),
    fem.dirichletbc(uD, right_dofs, V.sub(0)),

selfweight = fem.Constant(domain, np.zeros((gdim,)))

du = ufl.TrialFunction(V)
v = ufl.TestFunction(V)
u = fem.Function(V, name="Displacement")

The MFrontMaterial instance is loaded from the MFront LogarithmicStrainPlasticity behavior. This behavior is a finite-strain behavior (material.is_finite_strain=True) which relies on a kinematic description using the total deformation gradient \(\boldsymbol{F}\). By default, a MFront behavior always returns the Cauchy stress as the stress measure after integration. However, the stress variable dual to the deformation gradient is the first Piola-Kirchhoff (PK1) stress. An internal option of the MGIS interface is therefore used in the finite-strain context to return the PK1 stress as the “flux” associated to the “gradient” \(\boldsymbol{F}\). Both quantities are non-symmetric tensors, aranged as a 9-dimensional vector in 3D following MFront conventions on tensors.

material = MFrontMaterial(
    os.path.join(current_path, "src/"),
    material_properties={"YieldStrength": 250e6, "HardeningSlope": 1e6},
if rank == 0:
    print(material.gradient_names, material.gradient_sizes)
    print(material.flux_names, material.flux_sizes)
['DeformationGradient'] [9]
['FirstPiolaKirchhoffStress'] [9]

In this large-strain setting, the QuadratureMapping acts from the deformation gradient \(\boldsymbol{F}=\boldsymbol{I}+\nabla\boldsymbol{u}\) to the first Piola-Kirchhoff stress \(\boldsymbol{P}\). We must therefore register the deformation gradient as Identity(3)+grad(u).

def F(u):
    return nonsymmetric_tensor_to_vector(ufl.Identity(gdim) + ufl.grad(u))

def dF(u):
    return nonsymmetric_tensor_to_vector(ufl.grad(u))

qmap = QuadratureMap(domain, 2, material)
qmap.register_gradient("DeformationGradient", F(u))

We will work in a Total Lagrangian formulation, writing the weak form of equilibrium on the reference configuration \(\Omega_0\), thereby defining the nonlinear residual weak form as: Find \(\boldsymbol{u}\in V\) such that:

\[ \int_{\Omega_0} \boldsymbol{P}(\boldsymbol{F}(\boldsymbol{u})):\nabla \boldsymbol{v} \,\text{d}\Omega - \int_{\Omega_0} \boldsymbol{f}\cdot\boldsymbol{v}\,\text{d}\Omega = 0 \quad \forall \boldsymbol{v}\in V \]

where \(\boldsymbol{f}\) is the self-weight.

The corresponding Jacobian form is computed via automatic differentiation. As for the small-strain elastoplasticity example, state variables include the ElasticStrain and EquivalentPlasticStrain since the same behavior is used as in the small-strain case with the only difference that the total strain is now given by the Hencky strain measure. In particular, the ElasticStrain is still a symmetric tensor (vector of dimension 6). Note that it has not been explicitly defined as a state variable in the MFront behavior file since this is done automatically when using the IsotropicPlasticMisesFlow parser.

PK1 = qmap.fluxes["FirstPiolaKirchhoffStress"]
Res = (, dF(v)) -, v)) * qmap.dx
Jac = qmap.derivative(Res, u, du)

Finally, we setup the nonlinear problem, the corresponding Newton solver and solve the load-stepping problem.

problem = NonlinearMaterialProblem(qmap, Res, Jac, u, bcs)

newton = NewtonSolver(comm)
newton.rtol = 1e-4
newton.atol = 1e-4
newton.convergence_criterion = "residual" = True

# Set solver options
ksp = newton.krylov_solver
opts = PETSc.Options()
option_prefix = ksp.getOptionsPrefix()
opts[f"{option_prefix}ksp_type"] = "preonly"
opts[f"{option_prefix}pc_type"] = "lu"
opts[f"{option_prefix}pc_factor_mat_solver_type"] = "mumps"

Nincr = 30
load_steps = np.linspace(0.0, 1.0, Nincr + 1)

vtk = io.VTKFile(domain.comm, f"results/{}.pvd", "w")
results = np.zeros((Nincr + 1, 2))
for i, t in enumerate(load_steps[1:]):
    selfweight.value[-1] = -50e6 * t

    converged, it = problem.solve(newton, print_solution=False)

    if rank == 0:
        print(f"Increment {i+1} converged in {it} iterations.")

    p0 = qmap.project_on("EquivalentPlasticStrain", ("DG", 0))

    vtk.write_function(u, t)
    vtk.write_function(p0, t)

    w = u.sub(2).collapse()
    local_max = max(np.abs(w.vector.array))
    # Perform the reduction to get the global maximum on rank 0
    global_max = comm.reduce(local_max, op=MPI.MAX, root=0)
    results[i + 1, 0] = global_max
    results[i + 1, 1] = t
Hide code cell output
Increment 1 converged in 2 iterations.
Increment 2 converged in 2 iterations.
Increment 3 converged in 2 iterations.
Increment 4 converged in 2 iterations.
Increment 5 converged in 2 iterations.
Increment 6 converged in 2 iterations.
Increment 7 converged in 2 iterations.
Increment 8 converged in 2 iterations.
Increment 9 converged in 4 iterations.
Increment 10 converged in 4 iterations.
Increment 11 converged in 5 iterations.
Increment 12 converged in 5 iterations.
Increment 13 converged in 5 iterations.
Increment 14 converged in 5 iterations.
Increment 15 converged in 5 iterations.
Increment 16 converged in 6 iterations.
Increment 17 converged in 7 iterations.
Increment 18 converged in 7 iterations.
Increment 19 converged in 6 iterations.
Increment 20 converged in 6 iterations.
Increment 21 converged in 6 iterations.
Increment 22 converged in 6 iterations.
Increment 23 converged in 6 iterations.
Increment 24 converged in 6 iterations.
Increment 25 converged in 6 iterations.
Increment 26 converged in 6 iterations.
Increment 27 converged in 6 iterations.
Increment 28 converged in 8 iterations.
Increment 29 converged in 7 iterations.
Increment 30 converged in 7 iterations.

During the load incrementation, we monitor the evolution of the maximum vertical downwards displacement. The load-displacement curve exhibits a classical elastoplastic behavior rapidly followed by a stiffening behavior due to membrane catenary effects.

if rank==0:
    plt.plot(results[:, 0], results[:, 1], "-oC3")



Christian Miehe, Nikolas Apel, and Matthias Lambrecht. Anisotropic additive plasticity in the logarithmic strain space: modular kinematic formulation and implementation based on incremental minimization principles for standard materials. Computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering, 191(47-48):5383–5425, 2002.